Original double page spread (draft)

Original double page spread

Above is an image of my original double page spread and the feedback surrounding it. As you can see my double page spread has changed quite a large amount, as I have decided to use two photo's instead of five; added symbolic symbols; changed the format of the layout and the columns of text. This is because I believed that I could change the layout further- still making it engaging but spreading the text columns wider as I was suggested to do.
 However, I did decide to keep the layout of having a large photograph on the opposite page as I've seen this used within magazines such as Clash magazine and believe that it is very effective- despite the fact it is simple and minimal. In my opinion, this fits well with the structure of my magazine as it is very minimalistic. I also decided to brighten my images as from my feedback I gathered that they were quite dark which could create an unnecessary contrast within my magazine.
Another thing I acquired from my feedback was the idea that I should not use the guitar within my photos, I decided to get further feedback from pupils and agreed that it wasn't really a key element to have in my photos and I do believe the photographs without the guitar look more professional.
I also changed was the distance between the text and the middle of the page as from my feedback this suggested it could be a problem. I decided to edit my images, changing the colour of 'Heikki's' top in order for it to fit alongside my black, white and baby blue theme.


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